Webulator: Build your own website without any special software or know-how!

Recent articles

  • Adding content to and removing content from the left and right columns

    The [AddContent:] and [ClearContent:] tags can be used to add content to and remove content from the left and right columns of your web pages.
  • Embedded Summaries

    The [Summary:] tag allows you to insert the title and summary from another article into a page.
  • Copying articles

    Logged in users with moderator permissions are able to copy articles in the content management system
  • Quick Links

    The [QuickLinks:] tag allows you to insert a titled box containing a list of links into an article.
  • Accordion

    An accordion or concertina style interface can be created using the [Accordion:] tag.
  • Slideshows of all the images in another article

    The [ArticleImagesSlideShow:] tag allows you to generate an slideshow of all the images (except for the summary image) contained in another article.
  • Example page containing images for a slideshow

    The images on this page are used in article
  • Tab Menus

    The [TabMenu:] tag allows you to insert a tab style menu into a page to allow navigation within a subsection of the site.
  • iCalendar Files

    Calendar events are traditionally shared using iCalendar (.ics) files. These are often attached to event invitation emails and are widely used across calendaring applications.
  • Redirecting to other pages

    Webulator allows a page to automatically redirect to another page using [Redirect:] command
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Copying and pasting text from other applications

When text is copied into an article from another application the formatting can sometimes look a bit odd.

This will most likely happen if text is copied from a word processor or from a web page displayed in a browser. The reason is quite straightforward: the clipboard contains the copied data in multiple forms and the most appropriate form is inserted during pasting. If pasting text into the Webulator WYSIWYG editor then the HTML version of the clipboard data will be pasted and this is not usually what is required.

Before pasting any text into a WYSIWYG text block in an article, click on the "Raw HTML" button at the left of the text block to switch into "HTML" mode, paste the text (the plain version of the clipboard data will be used since we are just using a plain text editor now) and click on the "WYSIWYG" button at the left of the text block to switch back to "WYSIWYG" mode.

Copying and pasting text from other applications

When text is copied into an article from another application the formatting can sometimes look a bit odd.