Webulator: Build your own website without any special software or know-how!

Recent articles

  • Adding content to and removing content from the left and right columns

    The [AddContent:] and [ClearContent:] tags can be used to add content to and remove content from the left and right columns of your web pages.
  • Embedded Summaries

    The [Summary:] tag allows you to insert the title and summary from another article into a page.
  • Copying articles

    Logged in users with moderator permissions are able to copy articles in the content management system
  • Quick Links

    The [QuickLinks:] tag allows you to insert a titled box containing a list of links into an article.
  • Accordion

    An accordion or concertina style interface can be created using the [Accordion:] tag.
  • Slideshows of all the images in another article

    The [ArticleImagesSlideShow:] tag allows you to generate an slideshow of all the images (except for the summary image) contained in another article.
  • Example page containing images for a slideshow

    The images on this page are used in article
  • Tab Menus

    The [TabMenu:] tag allows you to insert a tab style menu into a page to allow navigation within a subsection of the site.
  • iCalendar Files

    Calendar events are traditionally shared using iCalendar (.ics) files. These are often attached to event invitation emails and are widely used across calendaring applications.
  • Redirecting to other pages

    Webulator allows a page to automatically redirect to another page using [Redirect:] command
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Adding references within a document

Webulator allows references to be embedded within a page using the [Ref:] command

References can include URLs so for example you could enter BBC website [Ref:www.bbc.co.uk] as part of a text field in an article and the command would be replaced with a numbered superscript reference linking to a list of references which would be displayed in a numbered list at the bottom of the article like this: BBC website[1]

Numbering is automatic and in the order that references appear in the article[2].


  1. www.bbc.co.uk
  2. See www.webulator.net/documentation/250 for details of other commands
Adding references within a document

Webulator allows references to be embedded within a page using the [Ref:] command