Webulator: Build your own website without any special software or know-how!

Recent articles

  • Adding content to and removing content from the left and right columns

    The [AddContent:] and [ClearContent:] tags can be used to add content to and remove content from the left and right columns of your web pages.
  • Embedded Summaries

    The [Summary:] tag allows you to insert the title and summary from another article into a page.
  • Copying articles

    Logged in users with moderator permissions are able to copy articles in the content management system
  • Quick Links

    The [QuickLinks:] tag allows you to insert a titled box containing a list of links into an article.
  • Accordion

    An accordion or concertina style interface can be created using the [Accordion:] tag.
  • Slideshows of all the images in another article

    The [ArticleImagesSlideShow:] tag allows you to generate an slideshow of all the images (except for the summary image) contained in another article.
  • Example page containing images for a slideshow

    The images on this page are used in article
  • Tab Menus

    The [TabMenu:] tag allows you to insert a tab style menu into a page to allow navigation within a subsection of the site.
  • iCalendar Files

    Calendar events are traditionally shared using iCalendar (.ics) files. These are often attached to event invitation emails and are widely used across calendaring applications.
  • Redirecting to other pages

    Webulator allows a page to automatically redirect to another page using [Redirect:] command
RSS Feed of this page

Embedding RSS Feeds

RSS feeds from your own site or from external websites can be embedded within articles.

Most RSS feeds contain a list of articles, blog post, news items or similar. These can be displayed as a list of the item titles where each title is a link to that particular element of the feed, and hovering the mouse over the title gives some additional descriptive text about the item.

By entering the text [RSS:AddressOfFeed] (where AddressOfFeed is the address of the RSS feed you want to address (including http://) anywhere in a text item on a page, the RSS feed will be embedded on the page. Here we have used [RSS:http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml] to embed the feed from the BBC news front page.

Some feeds (including the one above) can be quite long and may take up more space on your page than you would like. You can optionally limit the number of items in the feed to control this. Below, we have used [RSS:http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml,3] to just display the first 3 items in the feed.

Some more specialised RSS feeds may need a slightly different treatment, especially those where the descriptive text contains embedded html codes not suitable for display in a popup tooltip box. An example of this kind of feed is the Yahoo local weather feed. Below we have used [RSSFull:http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?p=UKXX0078&u=f] to embed the full version of the Yahoo weather feed for Leeds so that the descriptive html (including images) is shown below the title of the items in the feed. In the case of the Yahoo weather feed, there is only one item! Again, you can also supply an optional limit to the number of items in the feed in the same way as for the [RSS] command.

Another way of displaying an RSS feed is by using the [RSSDynamic] command. In the example below we have used [RSSDynamic:http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml]. Each item in the feed is displayed for 7 seconds before being replaced by the next item, and cycling back to the beginning when the end of the feed has been reached.

An RSS feed can also be displayed 'Newsticker' style by using the [RSSTicker] command. In the example below we have used [RSSTicker:http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml]. Each item in the feed is output news ticker style. Moving the mouse pointer over the ticker stops the feed at the current item. A play button allows the feed to continue playing. For technical reasons, only a single ticker can be displayed on a page. Note that the ticker display may not work well in older browsers, especially Internet Explorer.

All of the above commands can have an optional extra parameter to change the title displayed above the feed. In the example below we've used [RSSDynamic:http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/front_page/rss.xml,BBC News Feed with RSSDynamic].

Embedding RSS Feeds

RSS feeds from your own site or from external websites can be embedded within articles.